The Catholic Daughters of the Americas local courts support the National Projects and Charities listed below. Through combined annual giving, each court and member gets an opportunity to support these worthwhile programs. Visit CDA National Website to learn more about these national projects and charities.
Habitat for Humanity
The Catholic Daughters in partnership with Habitat for Humanity work to build simple, decent, affordable homes for economically disadvantaged people so they can have a better environment in which to raise their families. We provide the finances for the house and also help “hands on” to build these homes.
Holy Cross Family Ministries
“The family that prays together stays together” is the motto of the Holy Cross Family Ministries. Faithful to Mary, the Mother of God, The Family Rosary encourages family prayer, especially the Rosary. Founded by Servant of God, Father Patrick Peyton, CSC, Family Rosary seeks not only to fulfill the need to share the message of prayer with those who are unfamiliar with the Rosary but also to strengthen the prayer life of the devout.
The Labouré Society
The Labouré Society encourages vocations to religious communities. They have financially helped aspirants who wish to enter a religious community. Donations from CDA will help to make their vocation become a reality. St. Catherine Laboure is the patroness of this society.
National Center on Sexual Exploitation
In 1962 Morality in Media was established in New York City to combat pornography. In 2015, the name Morality in Media was changed to National Center on Sexual Exploitation. They promote the WRAP Campaign. The White Ribbon Against Pornography, which takes place each year at the end of October. A NCOSE newsletter is sent out with each National Quarterly.
SOAR! (Support Our Aging Religious)
SOAR! was founded in 1986 with $25,000 seed money received from Catholic Daughters. Augmenting the efforts of the institutional Church, SOAR! is a non-profit organization of persons who are committed to assuring financially stable and personally secure futures for elderly and frail members of Catholic religious congregations.
There are nine National Charities endorsed and supported by the Catholic Daughters of the Americas. Local courts are able to choose from the following charities for their annual donations:
Apostleship of the Sea
In 1920 Port Ministry was conceived. Its goal is to provide spiritual, physical, and psychological services to seamen at port locations in the United States. They are always happy to receive gifts and useful articles to place on board ships in ports at Christmas time.
Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
Helping maintain our beautiful Basilica in Washington, DC.
Catholic Extension
Catholic Extension was founded in 1905, to help Catholics in remote areas lacking church buildings and resources. Their vision is to raise money to help bring the Catholic
Church to these isolated communities. Today Catholic Extension serves 87 “mission dioceses”, funds approximately 2000 projects annually throughout the United States and its territories.
Catholic Relief Services
In 1943 this international project was started to provide assistance to the people in the poorest parts of the world. CRS reaches out to more than 100 countries with support such as food, medical supplies and religious assistance.
Human Life International
Human Life International (HLI) is a United States based Roman Catholic anti-abortion organization. It is one of the largest anti-abortion organizations in the United States. It is also the largest international pro-life organization in the world.
Missionaries of Charity
The Missionaries of Charity Sisters (Mother Teresa’s Sisters or the Sisters of Mother Teresa, as many call them) is a religious community in the Catholic Church, founded by Mother Teresa of Calcutta (now St. Teresa of Calcutta) in 1950 in Calcutta, India. The community is totally dedicated to the service of the poorest of the poor, irrespective of social class, creed or color.
The Disaster Relief Fund
The Catholic Daughters maintain a Disaster Fund to which our members contribute. At the request of the State Regent where a disaster occurs, monetary assistance is forwarded to the Bishop of that diocese for distribution.
The North American College
Formation of men for the Priesthood of Jesus Christ at the Pontifical North American College is characterized by the four pillars of priestly formation as described in human, spiritual, intellectual and academic development.
Tutwiler Clinic
The Tutwiler Clinic operates under the direction of Sister-Doctor Anne Brooks. It serves the poorest of the poor in the Bayou country. It runs totally through donations allowing medical help to those who do not have the ability to seek or pay for services. The Tutwiler Clinic is always happy to receive medical supplies/samples and over the counter medicines as well as clothes.