Quality Court Awards

The California State Board has established a Quality Court Award in order to recognize those courts who have a strong, quality program. While, so many of our courts not only meet high standards but many go above and beyond! To recognize these Courts we have instituted a Quality Court Awards Gold, Silver and Bronze program for CDA California.


The annual timeframe begins in September and ends in June. Points are awarded for the New Officer List and Officer Training in the even years when elections are held.


Administrative Procedures-Required by all Courts 
All Courts must meet the minimum administrative functions such as electing new officers, completing required forms, paying dues and completing financial reviews. 
Recruitment and Retention
The Courts will have a growth plan that includes membership drives that serves the diversity in their communities and will have plans for retaining members through inclusiveness.
Courts will meet the CDA purpose of providing avenues of spirituality for their members and will be recognized for maintaining an open line of communication with their Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor. 
The Courts will identify the avenues of communication they use to promote CDA, maintain communication with the State court and promote unity through sisterhood. 


To determine the Court’s performance level, the Regent and District Deputies are required to complete and submit the Quality Court Performance Assessment Form.  


Please circle the points that correspond to the criteria listed under Gold, Silver or Bronze. Total up all the individual area scores to give a composite score, obtain all required signatures and submit to the California 1st Vice State Regent postmarked or email date of June 30th.  This scoring sheet is two sided

Winning courts will receive a certificate and ribbon in July and winners will be announced in the Fall issue of Golden State Tidings. The winning Courts can hang the Gold, Silver or Bronze ribbon from their banner standard (pole).